Inscrições abertas: Evento gratuito “Improve Your English”

Postado em 14/jul/2021

Neste semestre, a equipe do CELIN organizou uma semana repleta de oficinas preparadas pelos nossos professores nos mais diversos temas. As oficinas são abertas, gratuitas e online. Para se inscrever, clique aqui.

Confira a programação:

09 às 10h20: Unraveling and practicing pronunciation – Part 1
Teachers: Julia Nunes, Dálit, Ítalo and Fahrenheit
14h às 15h20:  Strategies to improve your writing skills and connect your ideias: linking words

Teachers: Julia Marques, Layla and Amanda
16h às 17h20: Pronunciation of ED verbs

Teachers: Laís Coimbra, Rafael e Davi

09h às 10h20:  Unraveling and practicing pronunciation – Part 2
Teachers: Julia Nunes, Dálit, Ítalo and Fahrenheit
14h às 15h20:  Adjectives with the Zoadic Signs – Conversation Club
Teachers: Ana Luiza, Ana Laura and Pâmela
16h às 17h20: The Weirdest Competitions Around the World
Teachers: Eneida e Laís Silva

09h – 10h20: Vocabulary: Slangs
Teacher: Natanael
14h às 15h20: Vocabulary: Words that seem to be the same but are used in different contexts
Teachers:  Ana Victória and Stefany
16h às 17h20: Immersion 101: A guide on media, literature and entertainment in language learning
Teachers: Jun and Kelma

09h – 10h20: Listening and Pronunciation: Practicing the sounds of English Language
Teachers: Ana Paula, Michele and Laviny

16h – 17h20: The studies’ schedule of an autonomous student: studying English efficiently and practically
Teachers: Maria Eliza and Emilly